Baire category theorem

Baire category theorem is a fundamental result in Functional Analysis about the characterization of complete metric spaces with various applications.
Before the formulation of Baire's category theorem we need the two definitions.
Definition (Dense set)
A set AA is called dense in a metric space if the closure of AA is the whole space.
Definition (Nowhere dense set)
A set EE is called nowhere dense in a metric space XX if every nonempty open set in XX contains a ball of a positive radius without points of EE.
Theorem (Baire's category theorem)
If XX is a non-empty complete metric space such thatX=n=1Cn,\begin{equation*}X = \bigcup_{n=1}^{\infty} C_n ,\end{equation*}where the sets CnC_n are closed. Then at least one of them contains an open ball of positive radius.
IfX=n=1An,\begin{equation*}X = \bigcup_{n=1}^{\infty} A_n ,\end{equation*}where AnA_n are arbitrary sets, then at least one of AnA_n is dense in some ball of a nonzero radius, i.e. a complete metric space cannot be the countable union of nowhere dense sets.

History and Motivation

Proof of Baire's category theorem

The foolowing proof is taken from [Bogachev] pages 15

Applications of Baire's category theorem
