Baire category theorem is a fundamental result in Functional Analysis about the characterization of complete metric spaces with various applications.
Before the formulation of Baire's category theorem we need the two definitions.
Definition (Dense set) A set A is called dense in a metric space if the closure of A is the whole space.
Definition (Nowhere dense set) A set E is called nowhere dense in a metric space X if every nonempty open set in X contains a ball of a positive radius without points of E.
Theorem (Baire's category theorem) If X is a non-empty complete metric space such thatX=n=1⋃∞Cn,where the sets Cn are closed. Then at least one of them contains an open ball of positive radius. IfX=n=1⋃∞An,where An are arbitrary sets, then at least one of An is dense in some ball of a nonzero radius, i.e. a complete metric space cannot be the countable union of nowhere dense sets.
History and Motivation
History and Motivation
In the late nineteenth century, Baire introduced in his doctoral dissertation a notion of size for subsets of the real line which has since provided many fascinating results. In fact, his careful study of functions led him to the definition of the first and second category of sets. Roughly speaking, sets of the first category are 'small,' while sets of the second category are 'large.'
The word “category” in the name of Baire’s theorem is explained by the following terminology: sets that are countable unions of nowhere dense sets are called first category sets and all other sets are called second category sets. Baire’s theorem asserts that a complete metric space is not a first category set.
Dense Sets on R
1 . Rational numbers Q Between any two real numbers, you can always find a rational numberFor example, between 1 and 2, you have 23,34,35, etc.
2. Irrational numbers R∖Q Similar to rationals, between any two real numbers there's always an irrational number. For example, 2, π, e are irrational, and you can add any rational to them to get more irrationals
3. The set p+q2:p,q∈Q This is dense because such numbers can approximate any real number arbitrarily closely
Nowhere Dense Sets on R
1. Any finite set a1,a2,...,an For any point in this set, there's an open interval around it containing no other points from the set
2. The set Z of integers Between any two integers, there's an open interval containing no integers.For example, (1.5,1.9) contains no integers.
Proof of Baire's category theorem
The foolowing proof is taken from [Bogachev] pages 15
Proof of Baire's category theorem
The foolowing proof is taken from [Bogachev] pages 15
Proof. We can assume that the first set C1=∅ since they cannot all be empty and dropping any empty sets does no harm. Let's assume the contrary of the desired conclusion, namely for any open ball U there is an open ball Bn⊂U disjoint with Cn for any n.
Nested balls
So, there exist a closed ball B(p1,ϵ1/2) with some radius ϵ>0 and center p1, which is disjoint with C1, i.e. B(p1,ϵ1/2)∩C1=∅. Next, we can choose p2∈B(p1,ϵ1/4), such that B(p2,ϵ2)∩C2=∅. So, inductively there is a sequence pi,i=1,…,k and ball B(pk,ϵ1/2k) and B(pk,ϵ12k)∩Ck=∅.
Convergent sequence
Thus, we have a sequence {pk} in X. Since d(pk+1,pk)<ϵ1/2k this is a Cauchy sequence, in factd(pk,pk+l)<2kϵ1Since X is complete the Cauchy sequence converges to a some point q∈X, but by construction the point q not belonging to the union of Cn. So we get the condrattionq∈Xbutq∈/k=1⋃nCn
This is the desired contradiction to the statement of theorem. Thus, at least one of the Cn must have an open ball of positive radius. □
Second statement
The last assertion of the theorem is obvious from the first one applied to the closures of An.
Applications of Baire's category theorem
Applications of Baire's category theorem
The uniform boundness principle
Theorem (The Uniform Boundedness Principle) Suppose that X is a complete metric space and continuous functions fn:X→R are such that for every x∈X, the sequence {fn(x)} is bounded. Then there exists a closed ball B of some positive radius such that supnsupx∈B∣fn(x)∣<∞.
Proof. Let XN:={x∈X:supn∣fn(x)∣≤N}. These sets are closed by the continuity of fn. By hypothesis,X=N=1⋃∞XN.According to Baire's theorem, some XN has inner points and hence contains a closed ball B of a positive radius. □