Closed graph theorem

Consider the product of two Banach spaces, B1×B2B_1 \times B_2, - which is just the linear space of all pairs (u,v),uB1(u, v), u \in B_1 and vB2v \in B_2, is a Banach space with respect to the sum of the norms(u,v)=u1+v2.\begin{equation}\|(u, v)\|=\|u\|_1+\|v\|_2 .\end{equation}
Theorem (Closed Graph Theorem)
If T:B1B2T: B_1 \longrightarrow B_2 is a linear map between Banach spaces then it is bounded if and only if its graphGr(T)={(u,v)B1×B2;v=Tu}\begin{equation}\operatorname{Gr}(T)=\left\{(u, v) \in B_1 \times B_2 ; v=T u\right\}\end{equation}is a closed subset of the Banach space B1×B2B_1 \times B_2.

Proof of Closed Graph Theorem
