Proof of Closed Graph Theorem
Suppose first that T is bounded, i.e. continuous. A sequence (un,vn)∈ B1×B2 is in Gr(T) if and only if vn=Tun. So, if it converges, then un→u and vn=Tun→Tv by the continuity of T, so the limit is in Gr(T) which is therefore closed.
Conversely, suppose the graph is closed. This means that viewed as a normed space in its own right it is complete. Given the graph we can reconstruct the map it comes from (whether linear or not) in a little diagram. From B1×B2 consider the two projections, π1(u,v)=u and π2(u,v)=v. Both of them are continuous since the norm of either u or v is less than the norm in (1).Indeed there are two ways to map a point (u,v)∈ Gr(T) to B2, either directly, sending it to v or first sending it to u∈B1 and then to Tu. Since v=Tu these are the same.
Now, as already noted, Gr(T)⊂B1×B2 is a closed subspace, so it too is a Banach space and π1 and π2 remain continuous when restricted to it. The map π1 is 1-1 and onto, because each u occurs as the first element of precisely one pair, namely (u,Tu)∈Gr(T). Thus the Corollary above applies to π1 to show that its inverse, S is continuous. But then T=π2∘S, from the commutativity, is also continuous proving the theorem.