Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space, and let A∈F be an event such that P(A)>0. As for finite probability spaces, the conditional probability of B with respect to A (denoted by P(B∣A) ) means P(BA)/P(A), and the conditional probability of B with respect to the finite or countable decomposition D={D1,D2…} with P(Di)>0,i≥1 (denoted by P(B∣D) ) is the random variable equal to P(B∣Di) for ω∈Di,i≥1 :P(B∣D)=i≥1∑P(B∣Di)IDi(ω).In a similar way, if ξ is a random variable for which Eξ is defined, the conditional expectation of ξ with respect to the event A with P(A)>0 (denoted by E(ξ∣A)) is E(ξIA)/P(A).
The random variable P(B∣D) is evidently measurable with respect to the σ-algebra G=σ(D), and is consequently also denoted by P(B∣G). However, in probability theory we may have to consider conditional probabilities with respect to events whose probabilities are zero.
Example Consider, for example, the following experiment. Let ξ be a random variable that is uniformly distributed on [0,1]. If ξ=x, toss a coin for which the probability of head is x, and the probability of tail is 1−x. Let v be the number of heads in n independent tosses of this coin. What is the "conditional probability P(v=k∣ξ=x) "? Since P(ξ=x)=0, the conditional probability P(v=k∣ξ=x) is undefined, although it is intuitively plausible that "it ought to be Cnkxk(1−x)n−k."
Formal definition
Formal definition
Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space, G a σ-algebra, G⊆F(G is a σ subalgebra of F), and ξ=ξ(ω) a random variable. The expectation Eξ was defined in two stages: first for a nonnegative random variable ξ, then in the general case byEξ=Eξ+−Eξ−,and only under the assumption that
min(Eξ−,Eξ+)<∞.A similar two-stage construction is also used to define conditional expectations E(ξ∣G).
Definition A. The conditional expectation of a nonnegative random variable ξ with respect to the σ-algebra G is a nonnegative extended random variable, denoted by E(ξ∣G) or E(ξ∣G)(ω), such that
E(ξ∣G) is G-measurable;
for every A∈G
∫AξdP=∫AE(ξ∣G)dP.B. The conditional expectation E(ξ∣G), or E(ξ∣G)(ω), of any random variable ξ with respect to the σ-algebra G, is considered to be defined ifmin(E(ξ+∣G),E(ξ−∣G))<∞,P-a.s., and it is given by the formulaE(ξ∣G)≡E(ξ+∣G)−E(ξ−∣G),where, on the set (of probability zero) of sample points for which E(ξ+∣G)=E(ξ−∣G)=∞, the difference E(ξ+∣G)−E(ξ−∣G) is given an arbitrary value, for example zero.
We begin by showing that, for nonnegative random variables, E(ξ∣G) actually exists. By (6.36) the set functionQ(A)=∫AξdP,A∈G,is a measure on (Ω,G), and is absolutely continuous with respect to P (considered on (Ω,G),G⊆F). Therefore (by the Radon-Nikodým theorem) there is a nonnegative G-measurable extended random variable E(ξ∣G) such thatQ(A)=∫AE(ξ∣G)dP.Then (1) follows from (2) and (3).
We shall suppose that the expectations are defined for all the random variables that we consider and that G⊆F.) A. If C is a constant and ξ=C( a.s. ), then E(ξ∣G)=C (a.s.). B. If ξ≤η (a.s.) then E(ξ∣G)≤E(η∣G) (a.s.). C.∣E(ξ∣G)∣≤E(∣ξ∣∣G) (a.s.). D. If a,b are constants and aEξ+bEη is defined, thenE(aξ+bη∣G)=aE(ξ∣G)+bE(η∣G) (a.s.). E. Let F∗={φ,Ω} be the trivial σ-algebra. ThenE(ξ∣F∗)=Eξ (a.s. ).F.E(ξ∣F)=ξ( a.s.). G.E(E(ξ∣G))=Eξ. H. If G1⊆G2 thenE[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1]=E(ξ∣G1) (a.s.). I. If G1⊇G2 thenE[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1)=E(ξ∣G2) (a.s.). J. Let a random variable ξ for which Eξ is defined be independent of the σ-algebra G (i.e., independent of IB,B∈G ). ThenE(ξ∣G)=Eξ (a.s.). K. Let η be a G-measurable random variable, E∣ξ∣<∞ and E∣ξη∣<∞.ThenE(ξη∣G)=ηE(ξ∣G) (a.s.). Let proof these properties.
A. A constant function is measurable with respect to G. Therefore we need only verify that∫AξdP=∫ACdP,A∈G.But, by the hypothesis ξ=C (a.s.) and Property G of Mathematical Expectation, this equation is obviously satisfied. B. If ξ≤η (a.s.), then by Property B of Mathematical Expectation∫AξdP≤∫AηdP,A∈G,and therefore∫AE(ξ∣G)dP≤∫AE(η∣G)dP,A∈G.The required inequality now follows from Property I of Mathematical Expectation. C. This follows from the preceding property if we observe that −∣ξ∣≤ξ≤∣ξ∣. D. If A∈G then∫A(aξ+bη)dP=∫AaξdP+∫AbηdP=∫AaE(ξ∣G)dP+∫AbE(η∣G)dP=∫A[aE(ξ∣G)+bE(η∣G)]dP,which establishes D. E. This property follows from the remark that Eξ is an F∗-measurable function and the evident fact that if A=Ω or A=∅ then∫AξdP=∫AEξdPF. Since ξ if F-measurable and∫AξdP=∫AξdP,A∈F,we have E(ξ∣F)=ξ (a.s.). G. This follows from E and H∗ by taking G1={∅,Ω} and G2=G. H. Let A∈G1; then∫AE(ξ∣G1)dP=∫AξdP.Since G1⊆G2, we have A∈G2 and therefore∫AE[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1]dP=∫AE(ξ∣G2)dP=∫AξdP.Consequently, when A∈G1,∫AE(ξ∣G1)dP=∫AE[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1]dPand by Property I of Mathematical ExpectationE(ξ∣G1)=E[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1] (a.s.). I. If A∈G1, then by the definition of E[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1]∫A∗E[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1]dP=∫AE(ξ∣G2)dP.The function E(ξ∣G2) is G2-measurable and, since G2⊆G1, also G1-measurable. It follows that E(ξ∣G2) is a variant of the expectation E[E(ξ∣G2)∣G1], which proves Property I. J. Since Eξ is a G-measurable function, we have only to verify that∫BdP=∫BEξdPi.e. that E[ξ⋅IB]=Eξ⋅EIB. If E∣ξ∣<∞.
Theorem (On Taking Limits Under the Expectation Sign) Let {ξn}n≥1 be a sequence of extended random variables.(a) If ∣ξn∣≤η, E η<∞ and ξn→ξ (a.s.), then