Definition (Heat Equation) Consider a region U⊂Rn that is open and a time variable t>0, then we can define the heat equation:∂t∂u=αΔu
Here, the unknown function u:U×[0,∞)→R represents the temperature distribution, where u(x,t) gives the temperature at position x and time t. The Laplacian operator Δ acts on the spatial variables x=(x1,…,xn) and is defined as:Δu=i=1∑n∂xi2∂2u=∂x12∂2u+∂x22∂2u+⋯+∂xn2∂2u
The constant α represents the thermal diffusivity of the medium, which measures how quickly heat spreads through the material.
The foolowing animations are taken from 3blue1brown's video "But what is a partial differential equation? | DE2"
The foolowing animations are taken from 3blue1brown's video "But what is a partial differential equation? | DE2"
Let's explore the heat equation in the one-dimensional case. Consider a function f:[0,L]×[0,∞)→R that represents initial temperature distribution.
We study a thin metal rod of length L and analyze how heat flows through it. Initially, the rod is heated non-uniformly, and at time t=0, the temperature at position x corresponds to f(x). The function u:[0,L]×[0,∞)→R describes the temperature of the rod at time t and position x with the initial condition:u(0,x)=f(x)for0≤x≤L
The Intuition Behind Heat Equation
Physical intuition tells us that over time, the rod should reach a uniform temperature distribution. We want to describe this behavior mathematically. For simplicity, let's consider three adjacent points x1<x2<x3 with their temperatures at some time t:T1=u(t,x1),T2=u(t,x2),T3=u(t,x3).
Let's investigate the temperature change dT2 over a small time interval dt relative to the temperatures at points T1 and T3. The fundamental principle is that T2 should approach the average of its neighboring points, 2T1+T3, as the system moves toward thermal equilibrium. This can be approximated as:dtdT2=α(2T1+T3−T2)=2α((T3−T2)−(T2−T1))The last term represents a finite difference approximation of the Laplacian operator Δ.
While this explanation is not mathematically rigorous, it provides an intuitive understanding of the heat equation's behavior.
Modeling Temperature Distribution for Rod
To visualize the evolution of temperature in our one-dimensional rod, we need to consider the heat equation with the given initial function f(x). The temperature function u(t,x) requires a three-dimensional coordinate system (x,t,u(t,x)) for complete visualization, where:
x represents the position along the rod
t represents time
u(t,x) gives the temperature at position x and time t
Fundamental Solution and Cauchy Problem
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 46-47
Fundamental Solution and Cauchy Problem
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 46-47
Now, as we understand the idea behind the heat equation we want to find the solution to it. The key to solving the heat equation lies in understanding the fundamental solution Φ(x,t). This remarkable function not only solves the heat equation itself but also enables us to construct solutions for any given initial distribution function f(x).
Definition (Fundamental solution) The functionΦ(x,t):={(4πt)n/21e−4t∣x∣20(x∈Rn,t>0)(x∈Rn,t<0)is called the fundamental solution of the heat equation. Note that Φ has a singularity at the point (0,0).
Using Φ, we can construct solutions to the initial-value (or Cauchy) problem:
utu=Δuin Rn×(0,∞)=gon Rn×{t=0}.
A key observation is that for any fixed y∈Rn and t>0, both (x,t)↦Φ(x,t) and (x,t)↦Φ(x−y,t) solve the heat equation away from their respective singularities. This property suggests that we can construct a solution through convolution:u(x,t)=∫RnΦ(x−y,t)g(y)dy=(4πt)n/21∫Rne−4t∣x−y∣2g(y)dy(x∈Rn,t>0)
The fact that this convolution indeed provides a solution to our initial-value problem will be established in the subsequent theorem.
Solution to Cauchy Problem
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 47-48
Solution to Cauchy Problem
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 47-48
Using the definition of the fundamental solution we can establish the following facts: 1. Regularity of the solution u(x,t), i.e. the amount of derivatives. 2. Next, we verify that the convolution with Φ(x,t) indeed yields a solution to the heat equation. 3. Finally, despite the singularity of Φ(x,t) at (0,0), we will prove that our solution satisfies the initial condition by showingt→0+limu(x,t)=g(x)for all x∈Rn.
Theorem (Solution of initial-value problem) Assume g∈C(Rn)∩L∞(Rn)(continuous and bounded), and define u as above. Then
(x,t)→(x0,0)x∈Rn,t>0limu(x,t)=g(x0)for each point x0∈Rn.
Proof. 1. Since the function tn/21e−4t∣x∣2 is infinitely differentiable, with uniformly bounded derivatives of all orders, on Rn×[δ,∞) for each δ>0. As a consequence, our solution u(x,t), obtained through convolution with this function, inherits these smoothness properties. Specifically:u∈C∞(Rn×(0,∞)).This means our solution possesses continuous derivatives of all orders in both space and time variables, making it an extremely well-behaved function from an analytical perspective.
2. Let us now verify that our solution satisfies the heat equation. For each fixed y∈Rn, we know that Φ(x−y,t) solves the heat equation, meaning:Φt(x−y,t)=ΔxΦ(x−y,t)Using this property and the linearity of integration, we can show that u(x,t) solves the heat equation:ut(x,t)−Δu(x,t)=∫Rn[Φt−ΔxΦ](x−y,t)g(y)dy=∫Rn[0]g(y)dy=0(x∈Rn,t>0)Thus, we have confirmed that our constructed solution u(x,t) is indeed a solution to the heat equation.
3. Let us now prove that our solution satisfies the initial condition by showing that u(x,t)→g(x) as t→0+. Fix any x0∈Rn and ε>0. Since g is continuous, there exists δ>0 such that∣g(y)−g(x0)∣<εwhenever ∣y−x0∣<δ,y∈Rn.
For ∣x−x0∣<2δ, we can decompose the difference between u(x,t) and g(x0) as follows:∣u(x,t)−g(x0)∣=∫RnΦ(x−y,t)[g(y)−g(x0)]dy≤∫B(x0,δ)Φ(x−y,t)∣g(y)−g(x0)∣dy+∫Rn−B(x0,δ)Φ(x−y,t)∣g(y)−g(x0)∣dy=:I+J.
For the first term I, since Φ(x−y,t) is the density of a normal distribution with mean x and variance t:I≤ε∫RnΦ(x−y,t)dy=ε
For the second term J, observe that when ∣x−x0∣≤2δ and ∣y−x0∣≥δ:∣y−x0∣≤∣y−x∣+2δ≤∣y−x∣+21∣y−x0∣which implies ∣y−x∣≥21∣y−x0∣. This leads to:J≤2∥g∥L∞∫Rn−B(x0,δ)Φ(x−y,t)dy≤tn/2C∫Rn−B(x0,δ)e−4t∣x−y∣2dy≤tn/2C∫Rn−B(x0,δ)e−16t∣y−x0∣2dy=C∫Rn−B(x0,δ/t)e−16∣z∣2dz
The final integral approaches zero as t→0+. Therefore, for sufficiently small t>0 and ∣x−x0∣<2δ, we have:∣u(x,t)−g(x0)∣<2εSo, the theorem is proved □.
Mean-value property of Heat Equation
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 51-54
Mean-value property of Heat Equation
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 51-54
Definition Assume U⊂Rn is open and bounded region, and fix a time T>0.
We define the parabolic cylinder UT:=U×[0,T].
The parabolic boundary of UT is ΓT:=UT−UT.
Definition For fixed x∈Rn, t∈R, r>0, we defineE(x,t;r):={(y,s)∈Rn+1∣s≤t,Φ(x−y,t−s)≥rn1}.
Theorem (Mean-value property of Heat Equation) Let u∈C12(UT) solve the heat equation. Thenu(x,t)=4rn1∬E(x,t;r)u(y,s)(t−s)2∣x−y∣2dydsfor each E(x,t;r)⊂UT.
Formula above is a sort of analogue for the heat equation of the mean-value formulas for Laplace's equation. Observe that the right-hand side involves only u(y,s) for times s≤t. This is reasonable, as the value u(x,t) should not depend upon future times.
Proof. Shift the space and time coordinates so that x=0 and t=0. Upon mollifying if necessary, we may assume u is smooth. Write E(r)=E(0,0;r) and setϕ(r):=rn1∬E(r)u(y,s)s2∣y∣2dyds=∬E(1)u(ry,r2s)s2∣y∣2dyds.
We computeϕ′(r)=∬E(1)i=1∑nuyiyis2∣y∣2+2russ∣y∣2dyds=rn+11∬E(r)i=1∑nuyiyis2∣y∣2+2uss∣y∣2dyds=:A+B.
Also, let us introduce the useful functionψ:=−2nlog(−4πs)+4s∣y∣2+nlogrand observe ψ=0 on ∂E(r), since Φ(y,−s)=r−n on ∂E(r). We utilize ψ to writeB=rn+11∬E(r)4usi=1∑nyiψyidyds=−rn+11∬E(r)4nusψ+4i=1∑nusyiψdyds;there is no boundary term since ψ=0 on ∂E(r). Integrating by parts with respect to s, we discoverB=rn+11∬E(r)−4nusψ+4i=1∑nuyiψsdyds=rn+11∬E(r)−4nusψ+4i=1∑nuyiyi(−2sn−4s2∣y∣2)dyds=rn+11∬E(r)−4nusψ−s2ni=1∑nuyiyidyds−A.
Consequently, since u solves the heat equation,ϕ′(r)=A+B=rn+11∬E(r)−4nΔuψ−s2ni=1∑nuyiyidyds=i=1∑nrn+11∬E(r)4nuyiψyi−s2nuyiyidyds=0.
Thus ϕ is constant, and thereforeϕ(r)=t→0limϕ(t)=u(0,0)(t→0limtn1∬E(t)s2∣y∣2dyds)=4u(0,0),astn1∬E(t)s2∣y∣2dyds=∬E(1)s2∣y∣2dyds=4.We omit the details of this last computation □.
Strong Maximum Principle and Uniqueness
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 55-57
Strong Maximum Principle and Uniqueness
The foolowing material is taken from [EvansPDE2010] p. 55-57
We employ the mean-value property to give a quick proof of the strong maximum principle.
Theorem (Strong maximum principle for the Heat Equation) Assume u∈C12(UT)∩C(UT) solves the heat equation in UT. 1. ThenUTmaxu=ΓTmaxu.2. Furthermore, if U is connected and there exists a point (x0,t0)∈UT such thatu(x0,t0)=UTmaxu,thenu is constant in Ut0.
Assertion (1) is the maximum principle for the heat equation and (2) is the strong maximum principle. Similar assertions are valid with "min" replacing "max."
Proof. 1. Suppose there exists a point (x0,t0)∈UT withu(x0,t0)=M:=UTmaxu.Then for all sufficiently small r>0, E(x0,t0;r)⊂UT; and we employ the mean-value property to deduceM=u(x0,t0)=4rn1∬E(x0,t0;r)u(y,s)(t0−s)2∣x0−y∣2dyds≤M,since1=4rn1∬E(x0,t0;r)(t0−s)2∣x0−y∣2dyds.
Equality holds only if u is identically equal to M within E(x0,t0;r). Consequentlyu(y,s)=Mfor all (y,s)∈E(x0,t0;r).
Draw any line segment L in UT connecting (x0,t0) with some other point (y0,s0)∈UT, with s0<t0. Considerr0:=min{s≥s0∣u(x,t)=M for all points (x,t)∈L,s≤t≤t0}.
Since u is continuous, the minimum is attained. Assume r0>s0. Then u(z0,r0)=M for some point (z0,r0) on L∩UT and so u≡M on E(z0,r0;r) for all sufficiently small r>0. Since E(z0,r0;r) contains L∩{r0−σ≤t≤r0} for some small σ>0, we have a contradiction. Thus r0=s0, and hence u≡M on L.
2. Now fix any point x∈U and any time 0≤t<t0. There exist points {x0,x1,…,xm=x} such that the line segments in Rn connecting xi−1 to xi lie in U for i=1,…,m. (This follows since the set of points in U which can be so connected to x0 by a polygonal path is nonempty, open and relatively closed in U.) Select times t0>t1>⋯>tm=t. Then the line segments in Rn+1 connecting (xi−1,ti−1) to (xi,ti)(i=1,…,m) lie in UT. According to step 1, u≡M on each such segment and so u(x,t)=M. □