ω | element or point | outcome, sample point, elementary event \\ |
Ω | set of points | sample space; certain event \\ |
F | σ-algebra of subsets | σ-algebra of events \\ |
A∈F | set of points | event (if ω∈A, we say that even A occurs) \\ |
A=Ω∖A | complement of A, i.e. the set of points ω that are not in A | event that A does not occur \\ |
A∪B | union of A and B, i.e. the set of points ω belonging either A or to B | event that either A or B occurs \\ |
A∩B | intersection of A and B, i.e. the set of points ω belonging to both A and B | event that both A and B occurs \\ |
∅ | empty set | impossible event \\ |
A∩B=∅ | A and B are disjoint | events A and B are mutually exclusive, i.e. cannot occur simultaneously \\ |
A+B | sum of sets, i.e.union of disjoint sets | event that one of two mutually exclusive events occurs \\ |
A∖B | difference of A and B, i.e. the set of points that belong to A but not to B | event that A occurs and B does not \\ |
A△B | symmetric difference of sets | event that A or B occurs, but not both \\ |
⋃n=1∞An | union of sets A1,A2,... | event that at least one A1,A2,.... occurs \\ |
⋂n=1∞An | intersection of sets A1,A2,... | event that all events A1,A2,.... occur \\ |
∑n=1∞ | sum, i.e. union of pairwise disjoint sets A1,A2,... | event that one of the mutually exclusive events A1,A2,.... occurs \\ |
An↑A | the increasing sequence of sets An converges to A | the increasing sequence of events converges to event A \\ |
An↓A | the decreasing sequence of sets An converges to A | the decreasing sequence of events converges to event A \\ |
limAn or limsupAn or {Ani.o.} | the set ⋂n=1∞⋃k=n∞Ak | event that infinitely many of events A1,A2,... occur \\ |
limAn or liminfAn | the set ⋃n=1∞⋂k=n∞Ak | event that all the events A1,A2,... occur with the possible exception of a finite number of them\\ |