Let (Ω,F) be a measurable space and let (R,B(R)) be the real line with system B(R) of Borel sets. \\A real function ξ=ξ(ω) defined on (Ω,F) is an F-measurable function, or a ---random variable---, if{ω:ξ(ω)∈B}∈Ffor every B∈B(R); or, equivalently, if the inverse imageξ−1(B)≡{ω:ξ(ω)∈B}is measurable set in Ω.We may say that a random variable is a numerical property of an experiment, with a value depending on "chance". The requirement of measurability is fundamental, for the following reason. If a probability measure P is defined on (Ω,F), it then makes sense to speak of the probability of the event {ξ(omega)∈B} that the value of the random variable belongs to a Borel set B. \\The simplest example of a random variable is the indicator 1A(ω) of an arbitrary (measurable) set A∈F.
Definition A probability measure Pξ on (R,B(R)) withPξ(B)=P{ω:ξ(ω)∈B}is called the ---probability distribution--- of ξ on (R,B(R)).The functionFξ(x)=P(ω:ξ(ω)≤x,x∈Ris called the ---distribution function--- of ξ. \\A random variable ξ is called ---continuous--- if its distribution function Fξ(x) is continuous for x∈R. A random variable ξ is called ---absolutely continouous--- if there is a nonnegative function f=fξ(x), called its density, such thatFξ(x)=∫−∞xfξ(y)dy,x∈R
To establish that a function ξ=ξ(ω) is a random variable, we have to verify property {ω:ξ(ω)∈B}∈F in the definition for all sets B∈F. The following lemma shows that the class of such "test" sets can be considerably narrowed. \\
Lemma . {ω:ξ(ω)∈E}∈Ffor all E∈E.
Proof.⟹ (necessity) is evident. ⟸ To prove the sufficiency we use the principle of appropriate sets. Let D be the system of those Borel sets D in B(R) for which ξ−1(D)∈F. The operation ξ−1 is easily shown to preserve the set-theoretic operations of union, intersection and complement:ξ−1(α⋃Bα)=α⋃ξ−1(Bα),ξ−1(α⋂Bα)=α⋂ξ−1(Bα),ξ−1(Bα)=ξ−1(Bα).It follows that D is a σ-algebra. ThereforeE⊆D⊆B(R)andσ(E)⊆σ(D)=D⊆B(R).But σ(E)=B(R) and consequently D=B(R). □
Corollary A necessary and sufficient condition for ξ=ξ(ω) to be a random variable is that{ω:ξ(ω)<x}∈F,∀x∈Ror{ω:ξ(ω)≤x}∈F,∀x∈R
The proof is immediate, since each of the systemsE1={x:x<c,c∈R},E2={x:x≤c,c∈R},generates the σ-algebra B(R): σ(E1)=σ(E2). □